pink and yellow eye shadow (DON’T say a word)
NEON pink and yellow ROLLED socks to match our eye shadow
As my frustration brings me to my very edge of existence (again) I am here at a place once again where I get to air all my inner thoughts without so much as a peep from the peanut gallery.
Okay that feels better.
Where do we draw the line – how do we stand up for something we feel might be out of place without seeming like the over protected mother.
So my quest for a better school takes me back 2 years now. And finally I thought I had found some inner peace as to where my children were at school.
Seth diagnosed with dyslexia is at a great advantage as the teachers have been able to start teaching him to cope with this disorder. HOWEVER this year he has 2 new teachers oh sorry did I say teachers I meant WITCHES – gosh
Now we are on to 10 spelling words a day (perhaps this is normal for children who learn spelling easy in Grd 5) but for me its like climbing mount Everest every day……… in the beginning of the year it was 20 every Friday – this is still achievable BUT 10 a day they have NO CLUE…. Over and above that he gets 40 – 80 sums a day which I cannot even do without a calculator – HOW AM I TO DO THIS?
When I originally approached both this teachers I nearly had my head removed from my body because one jumped in before I could finish my sentence. And then to top it off they smiled and said. Please keep us informed if the children say anything – because they are scared of us……….. NO SHIT………………I TREMBLE…….
Then Seth says mom they tell us we are a stupid class and they always shouting at us …… and make us sit in at break to do the words we misspell. They only get 30min break – I am ready for war.
Okay so between all this writing I have now phoned the school and spoke with the principle about my grievances. She said she had just spoken to all the teachers about all the shouting going on – it’s not acceptable. NO …… And she would talk to them again. Okay so let’s see where this takes us either it will improve OR they will take it all out on Seth.
Did I do the right thing? Am I over protective – I mean we all had a witch teach us some time or another – And though the thought of that teacher will haunt me for eternity and perhaps I needed physiological help after that who knows, maybe Seth should feel the runt of the world – or maybe just maybe he will love school and his teachers – stay enthusiastic to learn – OR maybe its time to have him tested to see if we can get him on medication – for the concentration?
It concerns me the amount of verbal damage teachers are allowed to inflict on young people not only today but throughout history. IF YOU DON’T LIKE CHILDREN DON’T BECOME A TEACHER. It’s that simple – IF ITS POWER you need become a Sadist or take up chess.
I think even from my own experience at schools growing up teachers can be pretty MEAN…… and really there is no need for any of this.
Carla is doing better – well “condoned pass” is not really better – I have checked her books but it’s not going to make a difference as I don’t know what the books need to really look like. If I ask her about projects and tests – NOTHING MOM REALLY – but mysteriously somehow the teachers have magical marks they can put on the reports every term – from the non existent class work, tests and projects.
Her social appetite has grown as she is now 15 and trying to give her a little space for social networking has just led to her once again walking all over us and pushing every bit of space she gets over the limits.
Do I go back to that “NO sorry you can’t do that” mom? Once again am I too protective – ag man this is crazy – I know teens I know they have issues – but we have just been through years of heartache and new rules and putting down new boarders to get Carla just to cope in society (with ODD) and now we need to start broadening these boarders – Maybe I am just petrified.
Maybe I need the help.
OH dear poor kids
Anyway all this has got me thinking – I NEED COFFEE – so till my next whim.