Dance of the Fantasia Hippos

Dance of the Fantasia Hippos

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Age had never bothered me i always felt that perhapes growing old gracefully is the way to approach getting older - however on that note i would like to say that i fight the grey hairs - i might be graceful with some things but some things are worth fighting for.

I recently saw some friends including an old flame on (Face book) however my story continues and sitting with the oppertunity to click "friend me or not" i find myself thinking this man ( who still looks the same as he did 10 years ago) is going to say HEY its Cinds hey all my friends that knew her(10 years ago and have the photos of before her body was destorted to unbelievable widths due to babies) go check her profile and photos out...........mmmmmmmmm got me thinking i might not be as graceful as i would like to be.

I must admit being on the larger side does bother some woman - and believe you me as content as i feel right now i have my moments of OH MY WORD what has happened to me and WHY IS MY BUM Smacking my CALVES in a moment of ungracefulness i normally go have a random thyroid test just to make sure. However I happen to be a VERY healthy obese woman - who likes food and detests exercise ...... i find that totally normal in todays world (or so i keep telling myself)

The fact now is that growing old means - when i forget my childs name its not due to pregnancy and find its harder to find excuses - UM sorry little boy please go call the other child in the house.

However the advantage is sitting with your mom watching a movie for the 3rd time and not really remembering till the credits come out.............. OH MY what fun

People who don't Think probably don't have Brains; rather, they have gray fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake.
Winnie the Pooh
Pooh's Little Instruction Book

yes that would explain a lot.

I must just say i love being older i love being large and wrinkle free, i love the freedom of choice to cook brussel sprouts or not. I love the fact that shopping for a swiming costume ends up putting a smile on my face......... in more ways than one........... so i feel i am growing old gracefully and every now and then I do it as ungracefully as possible and I AM STRONGER for that.......... i think so........So my day ended on the note that today i am NOT GRACEFULL and i did not press the "be my friend" BUT tomorrow i will be stonger and graceful again and i might just push the button..

oh yummy lets see
and 1 Jet served on this menu thank you very much

The rules are (besides your hubby which five celebs would you sleep with)

i would like to take this oppertunity to thank the 119 people for viewing my blog my friends and family and a BIG SPECIAL THANK U TO MY CUZ for letting me BLOW HER MIND i am thrilled to accept this award and dont know how i will sleep with excitment and THANK U for logging on 1000 times U R MY BLOG SPINE>........................

Monday, June 30, 2008

I have very bravely decided it was time to join the bad mommies blog and take on my first assignment: When do u feel like a mommy and when do you NOT feel like a mommy and when did you first feel like a mommy.

Oh boy where do i start. maybe i should start with when i do NOT feel like a mommy (to make it easier i will just list it.

I do not feel like a mommy when
1. i am having ice-cream with my mommy,
2. I am having a candlelit bubble bath on my own
3. When i munch the last cookie in the cookie jar
4. When i am having a selfish moment
5. When I want my own way
6. When i am on a hot date with my hubby
7. when i am asleep
8. When i am ice - skating
9. When i buy a dress
10. When driving my brothers new Peugot 206 convertable

When do I most feel like a mommy?
1. When they crawl in bed with me at a random hour of the morning.
2. When they fall and I am the ONLY doctor who can help.
3. When they feel sick and only want ME.
4. When i am picking up dog poop.
5. When she (teen) rolls her eyes at me in disgust.
6. When i have to repremand them
8. When i get up at 4 to make coffee and go over study material before the BIG exam.
9. Meeting the first boy/girlfriend
10. Baking
11. Feeding all their pets
12. Buying all the pets..........
13. getting smothered in kisses
14. Getting a good report card
15. Making them eat their veggies
16. Saving up for that one gift they want
17. Spoiling them with a random gift.
18. Making lunch for school (which is a horrible mom task but we do it anyway with LOVE)
19. Going to the zoo
20. Cleaning snot noses.

And when did I first feel like I was someones mom - um lets see it took a while to sink in and take responsibility but i think it would have been the day I stopped buying white....... okay on a more serious note when i first had to ask someone for assistance and help and realised the was a word in the dictionary as exhausted.

"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. " Dr Benjamin Spock

Friday, April 18, 2008

They say beauty lies within……….. Well I must say I had a lift and I wish a tuck but now as I lie in bed on the road to recovery I thought I might as well share with you my experience for the last few weeks.

If I were to give this entry a title it would be: “Welcome to the world of Histersisters” there is actually a site called that so for all men reading who feel that they know where this conversation is going feel free to stop NOW………. I squirm for nothing and I already had my embarrassing moment this year twice…. So I think I am pretty safe to share this…………. But be warned it’s a sister thing.

But since ANGEL (beloved Cuz) is the only one who comments I actually write for her.

So I always feel sometimes we should try and get a laugh out of anything otherwise life would be really really boring………….. Don’t you think? I know having a hysterectomy and bladder op is big and sore but I am sure we can fit a smile in there somewhere.

The morning of the day of the op I skipped work and took it easy. I had bought a people magazine and knowing me opened up randomly on a page that was titled “I woke up under anesthetic “(I kid you not) Ooooh just the article I wanted to read before I went in. While chatting to my friend I told her how funny this article was and she promptly answered by saying “Oh that happened to my mom” – NICE

So on the way to the hospital I was rehearsing in my head how I was going to (without sounding foolish) ask the anesthetist if he was sure he was going to give me enough of that magic juice and make sure he gives me a little extra as I am more “CURVED” than most woman………….

I was fortunate enough to go to a private hospital. The 2 nurses assigned to giving me the rundown looked like supermodels and the one had a lot of gold on her teeth (Not that that had anything to do with it but I did find myself staring a lot) and she drew her eyebrows in . But there were sweet. They took one look at me and said:”They say this is one of the most painful ops you can have” both nodding in agreement. Thanks guys just what I needed to confirm before I went in = I mean I would not want to go for the less painful one that one might not work!!!!!

It was obviously a day that God decided I should be informed. Don’t leave a thing out………The nice nurses offered me a pre op pill – all this does really is make you a bit no actually VERY DOFF…… (fuzzy headed) and what that really meant was when I entered the room full of doctors I was smiling (who knows why) I forgot my rehearsed lines for the anesthetist but do remember someone saying “Doctor you look tired” and he looked at me smiling and said maybe I should get some caffeine in me……………… and that’s about all I remember….

The operation lasted about 3 hours and even though I remember most of what happened when I woke up I honestly believe the following events were out of my control. I woke up fighting with the world - they had wheeled me into a “care room” for a while and they tried to put an oxygen mask on me and well I hit it off twice........ I remember them saying very loudly MRS W.... YOU NEED TO BREATH.... YOU HAVE STOPED BEATHING YOU ARE HOLDING YOUR BREATH................ oh please all it takes is a little anesthetic to bring out the rebel.......... then I tried to get out of bed and they put the bars up.. I think the kid in me was quite disappointed all my fun gone.........

But NO save the best for last ……….. I unfortunately got a bladder infection so stayed longer than intended and then like a BIG baby just CRIED big crocodile tears cause I wanted to come home………

Sure you can if we can teach you to cathatise yourself…….. Ooooh what fun…… When I saw the doctor again just before I left he said “I hear your going to potty train again” his really old and he found that amusing ……. I suppose it was in a gynie sort of way………. And I replied “I think you stitched me up a little too tight.”

So I am home “potty training” but at least its HOME…………………..

I have started rewriting the song I WILL SURVIVE……….. It goes something like this …….. Feel free to sing along…………..

First I was afraid I was petrified just thinking they were going in from the other side........ Then I thought to myself ag this wont take too long then I shuddered at that thought when the anesthetist came alonggggggggggggggg......

SO Now I’m back from surgery and I’m fighting to keep everyone off of me... I will stand up in my bed I will scream and knock them down and I know for just one minute that needle wants my bum....................

Oh now NO.......... walk out the door..........I will slap you if you try come any closer to my sore............ I will scream your name out loud and memorize your face and I will buzz your every minute that you won’t get any reeeeeeeeeeest........................

OH now no I will survive as long as I have Myprodol by my side – I got all my life to live I got all my love to give I will survive ……. I WILL SURVIVE……… ya ya

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

THANKS ANGLE ...................................and Co..........

PS Photos dontated by ANGLE

Its been a while but in between moving house and work and putting kids in new schools - welcoming a teen into my home and making family first i actually think i am about done for now. And its me time.

Some friends of our invited us to Harties dam to water ski............ now i would like you all to close your eyes and picture ME for a moment .............. my features are somewhat of the larger woman... and I DO NOT under any circumstance wear a costume........... no no no ........ my cheeks are rather pink and Rosy if i have had a "dop" (drink) or two............. and i don't mind little speed boats if its for a short time.......... so off we go on yet another adventure........ so my hubby goes skiing and comes back No i MUST go try it its sooo much fun........ by now my cheeks were Rosy so i was game for about anything.............. so the instructions i got were simple enough - keep your toes together and don't pull yourself up the boat will do that BUT hold on tight the first tug is quit a BIG one ................... as i was about to get in a HUMANGUS fish jumps out ........... there is no way i was getting in that now tipsy or not...... but i was assured that they would not bite....... so i got in .......... the life jacket along with my natural water balloons was keeping me so afloat i nearly drowned giggling........... yes i was now at the giggling stage of tipsy......... i held on and shouted okay GO............. and she did......... and in a split second a COOL rush of water covered my entire body............ I WAS starkers......... the water had pulled my shorts down and my Bra up..... and all i could shout between the giggling and drowning was "Don't WORRY the FISH WONT BITE ANYMORE" -embarrassing moment............ number one..................

So recently my hubby and I got "FREE" air tickets anywhere in SA - Oh me Gosh well a woman cannot in today's day and age sa NO to FREE. So i did not even think twice - i was off to Cape Town - as my hubby had not been to the Western Cape before. FUN FUN FUN 5 days minus 2 days at the airport = 3. PERFECT................ 3 glorious days of NO KIDS, NO WORK, NO COOKING................... oh bliss.................. so this adventure was about to begin........ we hired a car..... we stayed in Sea Point and 3 days really is not enough if you have the whole tip of Africa to explore but we did all we could including squeezing in an hour or two of actual relaxing.

On our official day 2 we decided we would be tourists and go to the famous V & A waterfront. Yip they should actually change it to V & A tourist trap............... where money don't go far......... but hey we were on holiday and i love window shopping.................. so we decided to do the traditional boat trip maybe Robin Island or a trip around the harbour - Robin Island was fully booked for a week and we only had our 2 days left so that was pointless - we did however walk through the very empty but factual Robin Island museum - which is actually FREE..... so yes i could not say NO of course not so i dragged my husband back back back in time and it was ....... factual.........

So then we decided to go look for a harbour cruise........... yes and a that's exactly what we found a sail boat - champagne cruise (booze cruise) for a hour and a half.......... YIPEEEeeeeee to be young with NO kids .............. so we went for a bit and then it was time for my cruise - i was so excited i could not wait............ So we had 3 crew...... very friendly - the one asked me "what did you have for lunch? Mexican - I said "well you might sea it again......" Bwhahahahh he enjoyed that .................. I however was looking forward to my romantic booze cruise - so off we went..... slowly around the harbour - they then opened the bottles of bubbly and we all got a glass....... the other passengers mostly overseas tourists......... Stephen and I held on to each other they hoisted the sails ............. i sipped then my hubby said "BABY you've changed colour" YES i had i was feeling a little green......... in fact i was feeling a lot green....... and for those of you who know me i am at a stage of my life where i try and be as lady like as possible......... so i slowly held my hand in front of my mouth - NOW here is a TIP for those who suffer from motion sickness......... DO NOT i will repeat this for the hard of hearing DO NOT............ put your hand in front of your mouth when feeling ill on a sail boat.............. i turned to stand and as i did the puke formed like a what i like to call "peacock tail" effect ................. Yes the "Spirit of Victoria" now had my spirit all over the side no not the sea side - in the boat.................. even my eyelashes were sticking together................... i felt terrible oh yah and only an hour left great fun................. but you know the old saying - it never rains it pours............ and that's exactly what it did.......... it poured - and we all got raincoats and the i felt greener and the Europeans felt very jolly...............

Oh well i suppose it was an experience - one that left me very embarrassed .............again

Now on our last day we left early for the airport - GOOD BYE CT ............. and off we went ..... we flew MANGO which was fine but our flight was delayed by almost an hour and then then we took off we flew straight back to Johannesburg airport in a storm..... oh and i LOVE flying almost as much as sailboats ........... :) anyway we then had to circle YES circle the airport because we were unable to land......... well it was dark there was lightning and i NEARLY converted the Jewish lady next to me to Christianity................... she was silent and with a few bumps yelled out "oh gosh i have no ones hand to hold on to" You can hold mine........... if you want ............... well that broke the ice........... and then we landed........ (oh my hubby played sudoku through all this)

Then we waited for our luggage for about half an hour and finally bags appeared where we were standing by conveyor number one - but only 10 bags appeared one of my 3 appeared - then we waited another ten minutes - and then people started running as if someone had got hurt..... no defiantly no injury but our bags were coming out on conveyor belt number 3 - it was funny but as i said it never rains.................. only about 30 bags came out..................... and there we were waiting again ............. and from out of nowhere our bags start coming out in all there GLORY oh yes wait for it ............. on conveyor number 1 BWHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA oh 2010 WE WELCOME YOU .............. with great anticipation................