Elastic Woman………………
I must say the last month has been somewhat nightmarish …………….. so where do I begin…………. My husband and I go to a parents teachers meeting before end last term and Seth’s teacher tells us his reading needs to be practiced and he must learn his spelling…… that’s fine it just meant a little more effort from my side…..but everything is peachy otherwise he has an outstanding report and he has been entered into a school academic marathon…… WOW…. That’s all a parent wants is for their child to at least find school a breeze…..
The plot thickens………
I get a letter from a second letter for another meeting… unaware it was for selected parents only anyway this was at the beginning of this term so maybe July sometime. … … So here’s the story………… Seth’s spelling and reading is really behind we are putting him in remedial……… WHAT??? Did my ears hear right.????? But his report says his this genius child and it AUGUST !!!!! Why you telling me NOW …… surely this is a problem you should have picked up ages ago. Oh yes and please have his hearing tested……………. OH MY GOOOOODDDNESSsssssssssssssssssssss…… so the big reality check begins…. Like any mom I am going to do what I can for my child so its High ho High ho High ho its ……….off to the educational Psychologist we go……with sticks and spades and hand grenades HIGH HO….HIGH HO ….HIGH HO………so that’s what I did ………. I had him tested for a second opinion so I could ease my traumatized nerves…….. and yet it keeps coming………….the report did not happen to be the soothing kind…… my hairs raised and my heart sunk…………. My little boy has big problems…….. and yes there is a lot of moms that have children with the same problems but its different when its yours………… so yes there I sat feeling very sorry for myself…… he somehow has got to August without being able to read or write…..And wait there is a cherry on top………..there is always a cherry ………….he is ADD/ADHD…………….
At this moment I feel a selfish moment arise…….. RUN FOREST RUN………… to a small remote Island where half the population has the name Francesco……. And the other half BOB…………..
So now .. so now I go with the report (oh yes I had the hearing tested too – slight slight loss in right ear but left will compensate cant hear very low sounds in right ear but they have referred him to speech therapy.) this by the way is the sprinkles. Sorry as I was saying so now I go with the report to school knowing my boy will have to be kept back a year. For his sake I would have put him in another school. (He cried so sad when I tried telling him this) I nearly cried with him.
Anyways his teacher says she REFUSES for him to repeat he is not that far behind and I must stop fretting…….. HUH ???? ELASTIC WOMAN!!! Where to now… some say if I don’t keep him back now he will suffer terribly when his older… others say go with the teacher.
So I went and spoke to the remedial teacher. And she sends work home. I also bought him a fun sicker “Phonics” book and we have started doing this together.
I suppose it’s a day by day thing.
Will keep you updated.
Thought: My hat goes off to those mums who have been there for a while….(Angel keep up the good work) and your support means the world to me.
i am SO there for you skattie!
you can find a bunch of add/adhd links on my page as well as a couple of other parents who are dealing with it!
hmmm... maybe i should post a little of damien's history on my page since i only started my "musing" waaaaay (like 8 years) into our roller-coaster ride!
Cinds, I totally believe in you and I know you will be able to cope just fine with Seth. He is a sweet little boy, and licky to have you for his mom.
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