Filthy Faeries
I eagerly wait for the day I have grandkids and I am asked. So granny what did you do when you were young??? Well dear child I cooked ! And granny what did you do for fun? ……….. Hmmm I cleaned ………. Yip the cook clean syndrome.
I sometimes get this splurge of energy… (now this comes very rarely) and then I clean. And when I am done I sit back and admire my clean house and within an hour it’s a shambles again. I do believe we have the filthy fairies living in our house.
My mum used to complain about them too. She would clean and the following day her kitchen was a disaster. Filthy faeries I tell you.
I was not a firm believer in her theory but now I believe it to be true. It’s probably the most exhausting thing ever and let me tell you they are so fast you don’t even see them at work.
I will turn on the oven put the oven light on and WHAM they have been there. I was sure I just tidied a minute ago!! So I invested in a dishwasher but that did not help either ……… it was always needing to be packed and unpacked …..I mean we are only 4 people in the house and two are below the age of 15. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM??? Can you relate?
Well I have a solution ……… I now leave the filthy faeries to do there job and do it good and then I get all four to climb in and clean up after them that way no one blames anyone for making the house untidy because secretly we all know it was the filthy faeries.
those bloody faeries don't only live in my house- they're breeding and renting out the space thats left over too!
Those faeries took one look at my hubby and fled.....
aha! so that's where all those little buggers came from!
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