11 Going on 21
This is my darling daughter. Now i know you all have probably been through the same thing if you have kids this age. We try to save them from growing up, YET they grow up wether we want them too or not.
Just the other day she was this cute little girl hiding under her bed and giving herself and her barbie the same haircut.
Now there are days when she comes out of her room that i have to tell her to go change into something warmer because the tiny piece of cloth she is trying to cover her whole body with is not working.
I get the rolling eyes............. and i suppose sometimes thats a punishment worse than death.....
Now in my house we have a strict rule. NO boyfriends till 16. I have spoken to many moms about this and its a really debatable subject but my hubby and i have decided save what we can for as long as we can.
Now the war begins................. i think some kids were born to rebel they came out kicking & screaming and actually never outgrow that. (this i know from experience)
And i know Its a hard time of their lives because they have really got a lot to deal with, and now hormones kick in ........ag shame........... but i must say i dont think mom makes it easier and they definatly are not going to make it easier for her either.
Its a war zone on days and i always end up looking like the evil witch.......... of the complex.... and although (strangly) all the children in the neighbourhood return, there is a certain air of "MMMMM yes we have been discussing you. Very Very Naughty mommy"
AG Shame mommy....... is what we should be saying and if we all say it together at least we know we are not alone.
oh boy- stick to your guns mommy! i wonder if any specific part of this parenting gig is easier than another...
Yep, Marke is 13 going on 41!! He has a girlfriend, but they are just friends. I think she really likes him - but I don't think he quite knows what to do with her. So far it's not so bad.
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