Going through our phases of life
I must say generally my life is a very happy one. God has blessed me with so many things that I find it selfish to complain………. But I do have my days and I think today was one.
I don’t think its abnormal to have these days and I know most moms do the very best they can but boy oh boy its not easy.
Our moms survived us and I take my hats off to them.
For some moms kids come very naturally but for me it sometimes is a little overwhelming. I know the support of family and friends is phenomenal but that does not change the fact that sometimes we still feel the burden is all ours. And then we sit in this dark corner alone (which we have chosen)
My day started at the university today having both my children “interviewed” for speech therapy. It was a timely process of about 2 hours of testing and felt never ending going from one room to another being asked the same questions and knowing I am being watched by 20 students on the other side of the large mirror window. (I mean PLEASE people don’t you watch CSI? WE KNOW YOU ARE THERE)
I suppose though that bad news is sometimes good news because at least we have a chance to sort it all out now before they have to struggle with problems their whole lives.
My son however surprised the little student testing him, because she said she had prepared her test for someone a little less sharp. I in return said cleaver kids have learning problems too you know. The end result is that now at least they can help him with his reading and writing. They also recommended he repeat Grd 1 but I really have had a lot of reaction to that, some say yes he should some say no don’t do that he will survive. And me I am in the middle. So for now I will just go on my gut and see what happens. We all want what’s best for our kids but we don’t want to see them suffer either.
“Tough Love” as someone called it, I really don’t see any love in causing your child to cry uncontrollably because he has to repeat. That’s not fair. I would rather sit with him everyday and try to help him through this.
Some might disagree but that’s me too soft for tough love.
My daughter on the other hand is actually a little worse off than we thought. I remember once reading that famous little saying “Scientifically it has been proven that the bumble bee is too big with his wing size to fly BUT he does not know that so he flies anyway. So I don’t tell Carla everything hoping she will fly anyway.
During her therapy interview I was called in to a different department, the one she had her hearing test done with. The Senior lecturer sat me down and said straight out : “My dear I am worried about your child, frankly I don’t think she can hear very well” How she explained it was that a normal child’s hearing should be between 10 and 15 that’s good. But Carla is between 40 and 60 – she says her case is quit unique and some of the things don’t add up but her results are the same as last year and I suppose it takes 2 tests to see that there might be a potential problem. She says there is one other child they tested and he had similar results to her.
Now we are trying with the help of this lecturer to get an appointment with some professor at the academic hospital so he can physically test her ears and see if we can get her a hearing aid if necessary.
Then it was back up to her speech interview only to find more serious problems that can be fixed in the longer term.
WOW what a day and reading back on all this there is not much I can do but sit back, pray and tackle each day as it comes.
I am quit exhausted today. So I rushed back to work only to receive a call from my sons dad.
Now this could be a touchy subject for some but I must say I am selfish with my views on this topic.
Since we never settled anything in court I feel that my rules should be enough for now. And I am actually very easy when it comes to compromise with this man, since I want my son not to get any ill feelings from either parent. BUT I can SCREAM at this idiot since all he wants to do is give me grief. GET A JOB no no wait GET A WIFE………
Ag so this is my moan for the year…… racing from one thing to the next. I could easily sleep now but somehow my brain is too awake for that.
My children took part in their first 3km moonlight fun run. I ran with Seth who was my first child in from the top of the field about 3m down and nearly collapsed yip that was my support. And with Carla I waited at the medal line and shouted with pure happiness (it used a lot less energy) . Carla said : “maybe next year we can all run and be the first family in” YA more like the last. The word run well its painful to say and I really don’t know much about it except that if you run fast certain body parts might get in the way or knock you literally off your feet. Well in my case anyway.
So after a very late night at the Oval in Irene I now sit and ponder about my day. Actually Ponder is a really strong word its more like briefly look over. I am going to bed now and will tackle all my unanswered questions in the morning.
So from my little abode in Clubview…………. GOOD NIGHT across the world.
Dance of the Fantasia Hippos

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Now shopping for myself is not always the best experience BUT shopping for my kids is nightmarish. I recently had to shop for uniform and civies for summer.
Yes sounds like that can emanate from ones body, this I have first hand experience with.
So where do I begin. Aaahhh yes the uniform….. my daughter is actually really mad at me. A dress for her is R250 yes I will say that LOUD again R250 for ONE dress. I was sure that they imported it from a town in Alaska. But NO that’s just plain cotton dresses with a yellow and white print on it. So I got her a dress one size bigger so instead of a 12 I gave her a 13 So the dress hangs by her knees compared to her old one that was covering her butt. (JUST) anyway my mum dressed me like that its economical to get clothes that will last 2 years and although you might feel scarred by what your mum made you wear, it only lasts till something bigger scars you.
Anyway after that I needed a whole nights sleep to recover.
The following day I braved the next load of shopping. SALE…. I do however love this word……….. it means more clothes for more grey hair….. my son is easy………. Except that everything he chose was for winter….. so after ditching some of it I managed to grab some stuff off the shelf without him noticing. I felt like we were playing “Catch that mom” he puts in I pack back.
BUT CARLA…………oh Carla…………… Carla Carla Carla………………………. Yes the girl in the family……………….. the “I am going to be a moddler” (as she calls it) took about 5 years to carefully pick out what she needed to try on making sure everything matched including the undies. MOM on the other hand was “pulling out” and “checking what’s too short” “what’s just right” and throwing it in and out of the basket. It was rather exhausting actually. I was so hot and bothered at one stage that without thinking (okay sometimes that’s a gift) BUT I put everything down (why I don’t know) my bag of shopping from the previous shop………my cellphone……….. and my mind……. And just started looking at clothes…… all of a sudden I heard a loud voice bellowing “SOMEBODIES CELL PHONE” hey that looks like mine….. oh dear…. My guardian angel are working over time again.
Lets get this finished already…………….
Now the only time I feel my child can bear all skin is in her cosie. This I have no problem with. So off to the children’s bikini department. So my 11 year old can try one on. It just happens that while I was sleeping (this is when things normally happen) she outgrew kiddies and is now buying in the ladies department. OH ME GOSH………….
Okay deep breaths ……… yes we found one eventually. I was a nervous wreck, Seth was still packing things in the basket and Carla was saying “Wow mom, I have never had a costume that covers my whole bum” – Poor child………………. By the time we finished I actually felt relieved…..yes yes and a little sorry for myself. So that was it. No not really Carla has a tradition that when we get home…………..no matter……….how………..tiered……….you………..are…………she WILL weather you like it or not……………………..put on her very own fashion show………….. with everything in her packet and what it can or could go with in her cupboard………………
So my advice to moms out there…………… When shopping … leave the kids at home and just estimate sizes……………
Now shopping for myself is not always the best experience BUT shopping for my kids is nightmarish. I recently had to shop for uniform and civies for summer.
Yes sounds like that can emanate from ones body, this I have first hand experience with.
So where do I begin. Aaahhh yes the uniform….. my daughter is actually really mad at me. A dress for her is R250 yes I will say that LOUD again R250 for ONE dress. I was sure that they imported it from a town in Alaska. But NO that’s just plain cotton dresses with a yellow and white print on it. So I got her a dress one size bigger so instead of a 12 I gave her a 13 So the dress hangs by her knees compared to her old one that was covering her butt. (JUST) anyway my mum dressed me like that its economical to get clothes that will last 2 years and although you might feel scarred by what your mum made you wear, it only lasts till something bigger scars you.
Anyway after that I needed a whole nights sleep to recover.
The following day I braved the next load of shopping. SALE…. I do however love this word……….. it means more clothes for more grey hair….. my son is easy………. Except that everything he chose was for winter….. so after ditching some of it I managed to grab some stuff off the shelf without him noticing. I felt like we were playing “Catch that mom” he puts in I pack back.
BUT CARLA…………oh Carla…………… Carla Carla Carla………………………. Yes the girl in the family……………….. the “I am going to be a moddler” (as she calls it) took about 5 years to carefully pick out what she needed to try on making sure everything matched including the undies. MOM on the other hand was “pulling out” and “checking what’s too short” “what’s just right” and throwing it in and out of the basket. It was rather exhausting actually. I was so hot and bothered at one stage that without thinking (okay sometimes that’s a gift) BUT I put everything down (why I don’t know) my bag of shopping from the previous shop………my cellphone……….. and my mind……. And just started looking at clothes…… all of a sudden I heard a loud voice bellowing “SOMEBODIES CELL PHONE” hey that looks like mine….. oh dear…. My guardian angel are working over time again.
Lets get this finished already…………….
Now the only time I feel my child can bear all skin is in her cosie. This I have no problem with. So off to the children’s bikini department. So my 11 year old can try one on. It just happens that while I was sleeping (this is when things normally happen) she outgrew kiddies and is now buying in the ladies department. OH ME GOSH………….
Okay deep breaths ……… yes we found one eventually. I was a nervous wreck, Seth was still packing things in the basket and Carla was saying “Wow mom, I have never had a costume that covers my whole bum” – Poor child………………. By the time we finished I actually felt relieved…..yes yes and a little sorry for myself. So that was it. No not really Carla has a tradition that when we get home…………..no matter……….how………..tiered……….you………..are…………she WILL weather you like it or not……………………..put on her very own fashion show………….. with everything in her packet and what it can or could go with in her cupboard………………
So my advice to moms out there…………… When shopping … leave the kids at home and just estimate sizes……………
Cindy VS PLAYTEX and other silly “look good shops”
I recently had to go shopping for a friend who had her “kitchen tea” and something sexy was on the list. So I entered the factory shop. OOOOOOooooo. Sounds fab ….. anyway on my arrival I was looked up and down by the young rather slim looking sales lady.
Her face said “You ARE lost” nope I am not…….. so I proceeded to look not really seeing anything in a 16 soooooo I did what few men do (or so they say) I asked.
Well I never…… she took one look at me and said we don’t HAVE 16, so I promptly said its not for me. Is there something else in a 16. NO…. So by now I was getting a little irritated as I often do having to ask pointless questions and getting even more pointless answers. I asked her do they have anything for large woman like me. (getting fed up) NO. SO WHERE DO I GO??? And why bother calling yourself a factory shop if you have nothing in it. And on that note I LEFT.
So my question is….. Why in South Africa do large woman have to look ugly. And if by chance they want something pretty in their size it costs an arm, leg and a boob. YIP.
I recently decided to go shop for myself. Rare but it happens when mum decides to spoil me (cause they can even at our age) well if I did not feel thirty I defiantly felt 50 after that.
WHAT were the designers thinking??????? Do they not consult with young fat woman??? I mean imagine being a larger girl in school. AG SHAME is all I can say.
Oh Please S.A wake up.!!!
Some more developed woman like looking young and pretty. I myself would like to grow old gracefully but wearing stripes and dots well its disturbs my inner soul.
I am sure that some you out there experience the same thing. I wish that sometimes people would realize that for some being large is already bad enough why do they try make us stand out too? And of course lets not forget the sexy underwear. I mean if you are large Sex with your hubby should be done in the dark. No wonder our young girls have issues.
I sometimes watch the large black African girls walking with their tight tops, double J bras, tight jeans and high heel shoes all of which are at least 10 times too small. BUT some of them actually look good.
So if any blogger out there is a fashion designer for WELL developed ladies………. PLEASE get the industry to wake up for our sake.
So the solution is ……… well there is none I suppose either the fashion houses must change or I must diet…. And you know what I say about that DIET SHIET……….mmm I don’t get these woman: “sniff sniff my child said I was large so I lost 40kgs” well my son called me a Samurai wrestler and I did not loose my appetite! Heck no I will diet when I have time (that will probably be when I am on retirement- my grandkids can look forward to a sexy granny).
Ever since I did pole dancing I think that all large woman can be sexy with or without their clothes and that’s the way God made me, thank you very much you donta lika ita well taka hika.
My friend and I were discussing how one never really minds not seeing your old friends from school. Now I am not talking about your blood sisters. I am talking about the people you were acquainted with. I mean I don’t really have any great desire to even pass them in the street. I recently go a email from a friend that I met in Isreal and he and I have emailed each other for about 09 years now. He is my age more or less, anyway I had to laugh because I send him photos of the kids and he says he too has grown up and sends me a photo of himself dangling over a yacht with some exotic background. Oh gee I missed that part of growing up. But I must say I love seeing pics of my friends overseas it helps me escape for a little bit AND gives me some hope.
Anyway my head is empty now and starting to fill up with the next topic so I had better move on.
I recently had to go shopping for a friend who had her “kitchen tea” and something sexy was on the list. So I entered the factory shop. OOOOOOooooo. Sounds fab ….. anyway on my arrival I was looked up and down by the young rather slim looking sales lady.
Her face said “You ARE lost” nope I am not…….. so I proceeded to look not really seeing anything in a 16 soooooo I did what few men do (or so they say) I asked.
Well I never…… she took one look at me and said we don’t HAVE 16, so I promptly said its not for me. Is there something else in a 16. NO…. So by now I was getting a little irritated as I often do having to ask pointless questions and getting even more pointless answers. I asked her do they have anything for large woman like me. (getting fed up) NO. SO WHERE DO I GO??? And why bother calling yourself a factory shop if you have nothing in it. And on that note I LEFT.
So my question is….. Why in South Africa do large woman have to look ugly. And if by chance they want something pretty in their size it costs an arm, leg and a boob. YIP.
I recently decided to go shop for myself. Rare but it happens when mum decides to spoil me (cause they can even at our age) well if I did not feel thirty I defiantly felt 50 after that.
WHAT were the designers thinking??????? Do they not consult with young fat woman??? I mean imagine being a larger girl in school. AG SHAME is all I can say.
Oh Please S.A wake up.!!!
Some more developed woman like looking young and pretty. I myself would like to grow old gracefully but wearing stripes and dots well its disturbs my inner soul.
I am sure that some you out there experience the same thing. I wish that sometimes people would realize that for some being large is already bad enough why do they try make us stand out too? And of course lets not forget the sexy underwear. I mean if you are large Sex with your hubby should be done in the dark. No wonder our young girls have issues.
I sometimes watch the large black African girls walking with their tight tops, double J bras, tight jeans and high heel shoes all of which are at least 10 times too small. BUT some of them actually look good.
So if any blogger out there is a fashion designer for WELL developed ladies………. PLEASE get the industry to wake up for our sake.
So the solution is ……… well there is none I suppose either the fashion houses must change or I must diet…. And you know what I say about that DIET SHIET……….mmm I don’t get these woman: “sniff sniff my child said I was large so I lost 40kgs” well my son called me a Samurai wrestler and I did not loose my appetite! Heck no I will diet when I have time (that will probably be when I am on retirement- my grandkids can look forward to a sexy granny).
Ever since I did pole dancing I think that all large woman can be sexy with or without their clothes and that’s the way God made me, thank you very much you donta lika ita well taka hika.
My friend and I were discussing how one never really minds not seeing your old friends from school. Now I am not talking about your blood sisters. I am talking about the people you were acquainted with. I mean I don’t really have any great desire to even pass them in the street. I recently go a email from a friend that I met in Isreal and he and I have emailed each other for about 09 years now. He is my age more or less, anyway I had to laugh because I send him photos of the kids and he says he too has grown up and sends me a photo of himself dangling over a yacht with some exotic background. Oh gee I missed that part of growing up. But I must say I love seeing pics of my friends overseas it helps me escape for a little bit AND gives me some hope.
Anyway my head is empty now and starting to fill up with the next topic so I had better move on.
Sunday, August 27, 2006

To Blog or Not to Blog that is the question.
Now I must say I try to at least look like I know what I am doing when it comes to PC’s. I suppose I know enough to get me by. The motto is if it looks too complicated move on. If it has no shortcuts then bag it. And yip that’s the basic rules of a pc.
It amazes me when people look at something on the pc and know exactly what its about but to me its Greek. Let me share an example with you.
I recently decided I wanted a free counter on my blog site. BUT when I finished putting all the info in that it asked me, it came up with the biggest load of garbage so I though it was an error and so I tried again. Alas it did it again so I turned off. Only to find out later that was not a error message but a HTML code that you need to copy and paste into a template in order for the thing to show on your site. I MEAN who came up with this stuff. I did not find it very user friendly.
Now I tell you with tears in my eyes that when I look at the html it reminds me of an Astrix book when they swear and put in %$###@!!! > It however is how I feel at times, but none of it makes sense.
I recently invited my husband’s cousin Angel over to help me decipher what I was not able to understand.
Well she helped and my site is looking great but I must say it was a lot for me to grasp. I mean copy, paste and publish is good for me. I enjoy when little boxes pop up and I can just click on NEXT and Finish.
About 2 years ago I went on a Usability course. This simply means is something usable or not! This was through an IT company and it was usability for websites. I aced it simply because I am a simple person looking for simple solutions to everything I do.
I don’t think that blogging is difficult but as soon as you want it to look like more than just words then yes I think its very un user friendly if you’re a “dummy” like me.
However for me it has not really swayed me. I am determined to learn to do this. So for those out there thinking there is no way you can. Don’t fuss your not alone. I am sure that in years to come things will simplify until then persevere and look for the light at the end of the tunnel.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

While on the topic of being down........ i have a letter that is actually a very sweet letter. I have had it for 11 years and when i am feeling down i read it...........i do not mean to dis the poor man but it really has cheered me up when i was down. I met him in Isreal when i was about 19 he i think had a huge crush on me but i will type the letter so you can see what i mean. I tried scanning it but it was tiny.
Here goes..........
Hello Cindy
How are you, Cindy. I can you dont forget. I can not. Don't.
Vienna is not good. Its's rain. And it is cold. The weather is not fine.
I am fly return to Vienna, because in Viena, I found not.
I haven a Girlfriend from Jugoslawia. She is 38 years old, she haven a son (he is 17 years old) and the son of this girlfriend is in Jogoslavia.
She have many problems. And I will, her help.
Austria is out of order.
My girlfriend must working in a bar, from 7 am to 22pm. Can you under stand me?
This work is not good, for (the) this wife.
I am think ever and ever, to Israel and on you and on Aubry and on the peoples of South-Africa. I can never forgot.
Cindy, you are a wonderful girl. It was lovely with you! i have the Photos, from you and Aubrey.
Cindy, i'm working and i must every think on you!
I need you, and i can not fly return, because i'm fly return.
On oct. Nov or Decemebr. Cindy i'm so sorry.
Please write me a letter. Its a great pity that ....... (Cindy) Cindy you are missing, sorry: You are my sunshine.. i am feeling me so happy, with you. I must apologise.
Bye Bye , in love
Well i have tried looking him up on the net but unfortunatly all i have is this letter and due to bad communication it is a pick me upper. Shame but Klaus wherever you are out there....... thanks you have made me cry with laughter but it is a good thing and you have touched my heart where ever you are.
Mums the word……
Its so strange how people sometimes get the wrong impression of you. Why you look so down today? Are you not well? You look sad ! NO I am just a mother.
I don’t think I have had a decent nights sleep since I gave birth. (They never said that in any of the pregnancy mags I read or the “planning to be a mom”)
I actually plan to re-write the so called pregnancy books and title it (the things they never told you……….. from childbirth to the age of 35 when they leave the house). I think that IF (my theory now) they filled in those blank spaces we would probably be less populated in the world.
I never was one for the whole birth thing. I love my kids but made a promise to my self to please make a mental graphic and emotional memory of the events.
I love hearing how my friends say…….. ag I was in labor for 6 hours and then she just popped out……. Babies don’t pop they claw their way out ……….. I must say my unique childbirth experience was enough to cure me……..
Firstly my mom ships me off to her friends in the Eastern Cape (no not because I was a single mom) no the hospital there (PUBLIC) was uniquely small.
So growing larger by the day my boet drives me down. Only to find out that we are going on trip to the coast for a week. This sounds great …….. that evening we go visit some people on a farm. Moi decides to eat WILD mushroom only to find out a few days later that I am VERY allergic to them…. I don’t think I had a spot on my body that was not covered in a small fine very very itchy rash…. And remembering that at this stage I could not really reach many places anymore ……….. due to HUGE bump …. So that was me on holiday……
We ended up going to a stunning place but it took us almost 3 hours to get there on a dirt road with the worst pot holes in Africa. …. And this is what my “guardians” had to say:” Now don’t go into labor sweetie there are no doctors where we are going” GREAT but I survived………….
On our return I realized (not having a chance before) that I was literally in a one horse town and he was actually a donkey that came through the town once a week and all the kids went screaming after it.
But the cherry was far from being put on the top. For some unknown reason my friendly guardians decided that I would do good going on a few dates while I was out and about. I only went one………..and he took me to a braai…I could only imagine what they thought …….well at least they had something to talk about for a month or two.
Now it was time for me to start Lamaze (hope this is spelt correct) anyway I walked there it was a pleasant walk there all down hill and a HELL of a walk back at least I got to practice those ……. “Pant like a dog” breathing exercises. On my first arrival I thought perhaps I was at the wrong house. It looked like it had been abandoned in the last world war. But alas……..i was in the right place. I was greeted by my Lamaze teacher who was a doctor too and she sort of reminded me of something crossed between a 60’s hippy and a pit bull…………… so when she said BREATH that’s exactly what I did……………… and when she said PANT LIKE A DOG GIRL …….. that’s what I did….. I thought I was rather good at that whole breathing thing….. oh my the pressures in life….mmmm so that was fun……….
My doctor …….. a very sweet man (I walked to him too) although they really could all be neighbors……… was fine I saw him 2 to 3 times a week…… UNTILL…… one night I went to a local drama the town put on and there was my doctor …….. doing some strange dance in front dressed like a man and a woman………. Well we did not speak much in our sessions after that………..
AND NOW……….ta da ……….labor day………. It started at about 10 in the evening …… but I was not really sure if I was in labor so decided to read some Afrikaans book I had to see if I was imagining things…no no the pains were real………… by 6 that morning I called my mom …. Who was ready and set (she said she had a feeling and packed her bags the night before- Freaky ) anyway “Don’t have that baby till I get there” Okay mumsy ……….. so I didn’t …. by one that afternoon she was there……. Still no baby……… okay she said lets go shopping…………. And that’s what I did ….. I went shopping and bought a camera ……. And went to visit her friend at work…..and all my mom could say was :”Gravity pulls” well it obviously was not pulling hard enough cause nothing was coming………..
Eventually I got to the hospital………. And still nothing ……. A friend called me during labor…… not quit the right time to talk to me ……. Cause then I was like a demon on drugs…… (without the drugs) oh I lie they did give me one injection for the pain …….it did nothing …….no wait …..a few day later I thought I had sprained my bum muscle during childbirth…….
So the cherry ……… and as you know there is always a cherry……….. it was long…. Painful……… (when the sister sewed me up (you know where) she said… Honey I am making you a virgin again…….. gee thanks ……… my water never broke so they broke it, my child did some fancy slide across the plastic covered bed and had to be caught ….. and YES I DID NOT make it to the delivery room…….. my mom says I sounded like a stubborn Jewish MAMMA……………… and ………………..22 hours later……… YES 22…….I had a son……..BLUE as a smurf ………..but there………… oh my goodness……….. they should give us a day off on their birthdays just so we can remember
So next time someone says “Shame you look tiered” or “Is there something wrong” Just grin and say …………. “Do you have kids?”
Its so strange how people sometimes get the wrong impression of you. Why you look so down today? Are you not well? You look sad ! NO I am just a mother.
I don’t think I have had a decent nights sleep since I gave birth. (They never said that in any of the pregnancy mags I read or the “planning to be a mom”)
I actually plan to re-write the so called pregnancy books and title it (the things they never told you……….. from childbirth to the age of 35 when they leave the house). I think that IF (my theory now) they filled in those blank spaces we would probably be less populated in the world.
I never was one for the whole birth thing. I love my kids but made a promise to my self to please make a mental graphic and emotional memory of the events.
I love hearing how my friends say…….. ag I was in labor for 6 hours and then she just popped out……. Babies don’t pop they claw their way out ……….. I must say my unique childbirth experience was enough to cure me……..
Firstly my mom ships me off to her friends in the Eastern Cape (no not because I was a single mom) no the hospital there (PUBLIC) was uniquely small.
So growing larger by the day my boet drives me down. Only to find out that we are going on trip to the coast for a week. This sounds great …….. that evening we go visit some people on a farm. Moi decides to eat WILD mushroom only to find out a few days later that I am VERY allergic to them…. I don’t think I had a spot on my body that was not covered in a small fine very very itchy rash…. And remembering that at this stage I could not really reach many places anymore ……….. due to HUGE bump …. So that was me on holiday……
We ended up going to a stunning place but it took us almost 3 hours to get there on a dirt road with the worst pot holes in Africa. …. And this is what my “guardians” had to say:” Now don’t go into labor sweetie there are no doctors where we are going” GREAT but I survived………….
On our return I realized (not having a chance before) that I was literally in a one horse town and he was actually a donkey that came through the town once a week and all the kids went screaming after it.
But the cherry was far from being put on the top. For some unknown reason my friendly guardians decided that I would do good going on a few dates while I was out and about. I only went one………..and he took me to a braai…I could only imagine what they thought …….well at least they had something to talk about for a month or two.
Now it was time for me to start Lamaze (hope this is spelt correct) anyway I walked there it was a pleasant walk there all down hill and a HELL of a walk back at least I got to practice those ……. “Pant like a dog” breathing exercises. On my first arrival I thought perhaps I was at the wrong house. It looked like it had been abandoned in the last world war. But alas……..i was in the right place. I was greeted by my Lamaze teacher who was a doctor too and she sort of reminded me of something crossed between a 60’s hippy and a pit bull…………… so when she said BREATH that’s exactly what I did……………… and when she said PANT LIKE A DOG GIRL …….. that’s what I did….. I thought I was rather good at that whole breathing thing….. oh my the pressures in life….mmmm so that was fun……….
My doctor …….. a very sweet man (I walked to him too) although they really could all be neighbors……… was fine I saw him 2 to 3 times a week…… UNTILL…… one night I went to a local drama the town put on and there was my doctor …….. doing some strange dance in front dressed like a man and a woman………. Well we did not speak much in our sessions after that………..
AND NOW……….ta da ……….labor day………. It started at about 10 in the evening …… but I was not really sure if I was in labor so decided to read some Afrikaans book I had to see if I was imagining things…no no the pains were real………… by 6 that morning I called my mom …. Who was ready and set (she said she had a feeling and packed her bags the night before- Freaky ) anyway “Don’t have that baby till I get there” Okay mumsy ……….. so I didn’t …. by one that afternoon she was there……. Still no baby……… okay she said lets go shopping…………. And that’s what I did ….. I went shopping and bought a camera ……. And went to visit her friend at work…..and all my mom could say was :”Gravity pulls” well it obviously was not pulling hard enough cause nothing was coming………..
Eventually I got to the hospital………. And still nothing ……. A friend called me during labor…… not quit the right time to talk to me ……. Cause then I was like a demon on drugs…… (without the drugs) oh I lie they did give me one injection for the pain …….it did nothing …….no wait …..a few day later I thought I had sprained my bum muscle during childbirth…….
So the cherry ……… and as you know there is always a cherry……….. it was long…. Painful……… (when the sister sewed me up (you know where) she said… Honey I am making you a virgin again…….. gee thanks ……… my water never broke so they broke it, my child did some fancy slide across the plastic covered bed and had to be caught ….. and YES I DID NOT make it to the delivery room…….. my mom says I sounded like a stubborn Jewish MAMMA……………… and ………………..22 hours later……… YES 22…….I had a son……..BLUE as a smurf ………..but there………… oh my goodness……….. they should give us a day off on their birthdays just so we can remember
So next time someone says “Shame you look tiered” or “Is there something wrong” Just grin and say …………. “Do you have kids?”
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

11 Going on 21
This is my darling daughter. Now i know you all have probably been through the same thing if you have kids this age. We try to save them from growing up, YET they grow up wether we want them too or not.
Just the other day she was this cute little girl hiding under her bed and giving herself and her barbie the same haircut.
Now there are days when she comes out of her room that i have to tell her to go change into something warmer because the tiny piece of cloth she is trying to cover her whole body with is not working.
I get the rolling eyes............. and i suppose sometimes thats a punishment worse than death.....
Now in my house we have a strict rule. NO boyfriends till 16. I have spoken to many moms about this and its a really debatable subject but my hubby and i have decided save what we can for as long as we can.
Now the war begins................. i think some kids were born to rebel they came out kicking & screaming and actually never outgrow that. (this i know from experience)
And i know Its a hard time of their lives because they have really got a lot to deal with, and now hormones kick in ........ag shame........... but i must say i dont think mom makes it easier and they definatly are not going to make it easier for her either.
Its a war zone on days and i always end up looking like the evil witch.......... of the complex.... and although (strangly) all the children in the neighbourhood return, there is a certain air of "MMMMM yes we have been discussing you. Very Very Naughty mommy"
AG Shame mommy....... is what we should be saying and if we all say it together at least we know we are not alone.
Sunday, August 20, 2006

I was really waiting for some more photo's of my boets wedding but i am sooooo excited so i will give you all a sneak preview.
They were a stunning couple and the wedding was beutiful. I really enjoyed it from the "kitchen" tea - where i found to be no tea (ha ha) through to the wedding it was unique and i never heard one complaint really a faerie princess wedding come true.
PS ladies I have officially done Pole dancing and believe me not only was it fun but i worked every muscle in my body. :)
PS: Cat you shone girl and you were honestly a really Gorgeous

Filthy Faeries
I eagerly wait for the day I have grandkids and I am asked. So granny what did you do when you were young??? Well dear child I cooked ! And granny what did you do for fun? ……….. Hmmm I cleaned ………. Yip the cook clean syndrome.
I sometimes get this splurge of energy… (now this comes very rarely) and then I clean. And when I am done I sit back and admire my clean house and within an hour it’s a shambles again. I do believe we have the filthy fairies living in our house.
My mum used to complain about them too. She would clean and the following day her kitchen was a disaster. Filthy faeries I tell you.
I was not a firm believer in her theory but now I believe it to be true. It’s probably the most exhausting thing ever and let me tell you they are so fast you don’t even see them at work.
I will turn on the oven put the oven light on and WHAM they have been there. I was sure I just tidied a minute ago!! So I invested in a dishwasher but that did not help either ……… it was always needing to be packed and unpacked …..I mean we are only 4 people in the house and two are below the age of 15. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM??? Can you relate?
Well I have a solution ……… I now leave the filthy faeries to do there job and do it good and then I get all four to climb in and clean up after them that way no one blames anyone for making the house untidy because secretly we all know it was the filthy faeries.
Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Screaming mom………
This is me……… labeled and scarred for life. It seems my children have acquired selective hearing. It’s quit a popular thing I hear. So the only way I can get through to them is to scream.
I now sit with an infection in my throat and I am unable to scream….. And believe me the silence that penetrates through my body is haunting.
I even had my mom tell me the other day ……… My word Cindy you sound like an old bag. Well I had no idea an old bag could sound like me but apparently I have a gift. I also have a gift that when I shout little people (like my children) actually listen.
I recently through my first tantrum …. Well my first in years…….. and it was great. My son Seth refused to do him homework he had excuse after excuse after excuse (I am sure some mums can relate) anyway I was tired of saying “Ag please my boy lets do this.” I mean his only 7 for goodness sake…………. So I let rip …………I through his book across the floor and yelled I am NOT doing this anymore ………….. his eyes stretched rather largely and welled up with large tanks of water………. I kept my pose though for a minute before smiling and saying okay lets try this again. Well it worked…..but for how long I am not sure.
My son was recently diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. I just thought he liked to bounce and got bored really quickly. Well let’s see my boet had this and in those days a minority called it Hyperactivity and the rest called it “naughty” so these big words like ADD and whatever else is new to me. My cous has a blog and her son has the same only she is about 10 years ahead of me, but reading it helps (I wont say it soothes the soul) cause she puts up with a lot but it’s a soothing thought (that’s it a thought) that there are others out there.
So for now I must run
From one screaming mom to the world out there……………. Beware of the selective hearing!!!!!!!

Elastic Woman………………
I must say the last month has been somewhat nightmarish …………….. so where do I begin…………. My husband and I go to a parents teachers meeting before end last term and Seth’s teacher tells us his reading needs to be practiced and he must learn his spelling…… that’s fine it just meant a little more effort from my side…..but everything is peachy otherwise he has an outstanding report and he has been entered into a school academic marathon…… WOW…. That’s all a parent wants is for their child to at least find school a breeze…..
The plot thickens………
I get a letter from a second letter for another meeting… unaware it was for selected parents only anyway this was at the beginning of this term so maybe July sometime. … … So here’s the story………… Seth’s spelling and reading is really behind we are putting him in remedial……… WHAT??? Did my ears hear right.????? But his report says his this genius child and it AUGUST !!!!! Why you telling me NOW …… surely this is a problem you should have picked up ages ago. Oh yes and please have his hearing tested……………. OH MY GOOOOODDDNESSsssssssssssssssssssss…… so the big reality check begins…. Like any mom I am going to do what I can for my child so its High ho High ho High ho its ……….off to the educational Psychologist we go……with sticks and spades and hand grenades HIGH HO….HIGH HO ….HIGH HO………so that’s what I did ………. I had him tested for a second opinion so I could ease my traumatized nerves…….. and yet it keeps coming………….the report did not happen to be the soothing kind…… my hairs raised and my heart sunk…………. My little boy has big problems…….. and yes there is a lot of moms that have children with the same problems but its different when its yours………… so yes there I sat feeling very sorry for myself…… he somehow has got to August without being able to read or write…..And wait there is a cherry on top………..there is always a cherry ………….he is ADD/ADHD…………….
At this moment I feel a selfish moment arise…….. RUN FOREST RUN………… to a small remote Island where half the population has the name Francesco……. And the other half BOB…………..
So now .. so now I go with the report (oh yes I had the hearing tested too – slight slight loss in right ear but left will compensate cant hear very low sounds in right ear but they have referred him to speech therapy.) this by the way is the sprinkles. Sorry as I was saying so now I go with the report to school knowing my boy will have to be kept back a year. For his sake I would have put him in another school. (He cried so sad when I tried telling him this) I nearly cried with him.
Anyways his teacher says she REFUSES for him to repeat he is not that far behind and I must stop fretting…….. HUH ???? ELASTIC WOMAN!!! Where to now… some say if I don’t keep him back now he will suffer terribly when his older… others say go with the teacher.
So I went and spoke to the remedial teacher. And she sends work home. I also bought him a fun sicker “Phonics” book and we have started doing this together.
I suppose it’s a day by day thing.
Will keep you updated.
Thought: My hat goes off to those mums who have been there for a while….(Angel keep up the good work) and your support means the world to me.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Welcome to my twilight zone!!!!
Welcome to my BLOG page
I must say in my “OLD” age croak, croak ……….. I tend to lead a very hectic lifestyle. I don’t know how it all happened ??? And so here I am “all grown up” and too many places to go. I have now decided after seeing 2 family members Blog sites that this is the solution to my lazy lazy ways…………. So instead of emailing which I have become disappointingly bad at I have now started this blog thing……….. for my traveling buddies so they can keep in touch and see what’s happening in Wolly world. (Lesley & Melink………. You had better keep an eye on this spot)
So to all those traveling buddies
Ill be seeing you!
I must say in my “OLD” age croak, croak ……….. I tend to lead a very hectic lifestyle. I don’t know how it all happened ??? And so here I am “all grown up” and too many places to go. I have now decided after seeing 2 family members Blog sites that this is the solution to my lazy lazy ways…………. So instead of emailing which I have become disappointingly bad at I have now started this blog thing……….. for my traveling buddies so they can keep in touch and see what’s happening in Wolly world. (Lesley & Melink………. You had better keep an eye on this spot)
So to all those traveling buddies
Ill be seeing you!
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