I recently joined facebook…… yes the ever so fatal facebook…. But I was invited by my sister Lesley………. Lesley and I go back to Grd one….yes its been a lifetime of fun an laughter with her and I. But I am so thrilled she got me hooked and let me tell you besides facebook being extremely addictive I get quite excited to chat to some long lost soul mates….. like my friend Gavin…… it was so so so so awesome to hear from him……. And the thing I like is you can be a nobody or a doctor or just a plain jane like me and it does not really matter ……… its just fun……..
And there is not a lot of that going around………..
I sometimes get lost in my life and there is no time for me………… yes I can feel a sense of UNITY when I say ME TIME and all the moms are nodding there heads as they read this…… we know that there is NO such thing as ME TIME…….. Its really a word that is not too familiar to me as is diet or exercise or even the F word…….. yes the BIG F… FUN……………..
So myth has it that there was once a thing called me time and it happened before 9 in the evening, the myth continues to say that many would consider a glass of wine the norm……… sitting back and God forbid putting there legs up and ordering take outs (other than Mc Donalds), bubble baths with candles and soft music is how it was done. Not like the “bath in the same water” syndrome that some of us suffer with and pray the last one did not pee in the bath.
Reading your fav mag and getting to the quiz only to find it’s already been answered by your teen in pen or all the posters have been removed but no one knows where those mysteriously disappeared too! My kids walls are looking great though.
My me time is reading a story to my kids and as I get into it feel my self dozing off and I can feel my words are slurring and hearing sounds in the distance which resemble voices but I am so far off now it does not matter……… MOMMY your falling asleep M - O - M -M -Y……… so as you can hear I grab my me time where I can….and its really sad when me time means sleep……..
Now recently I had a desire to watch a movie – the movie was called 3. A friend of mine had told me about it…… and I was soooo excited to see it – I had seen it on the shelf and knew exactly what she was referring too. So I went down to our local store and they did not stock this particular movie…. I was so disappointed I was going to sit back relax and watch this movie. Anyway I went to another shop……… nothing …….. I finally tracked it down to a little store close to my moms place but it was out…….. due to come back that day……… so I booked it…….. I was thrilled…… I waited for them to call and waited and waited ……..nothing I eventually went back to the store……. Sorry the lady returning the dvd her tire burst………. IS THIS FOR REAL.????? I sometimes think God has a great sense of humor……. So I could only get it the following day…….. finally I got my hands on the movie…….. but I was going to do this correctly so I did not race home to watch it……..NO NO NO I waited till all little munchkins were in bed and lunch was made for school and I was sipping that wine……. FINALLY my long awaited relax me time…….. I think the movie was on for about 2 minutes when I realized I had seen it……………………………………………………………………..OH MY WORD………………………….. NO COMMENT at this time……………………………………………………………………shit………………………………………………………………………………………..ag noooooooooooooooooo……..
So now the importance of me time is more clear because if I had more me time I would have not wasted R20 flippen bucks on a movie I had already seen………no I would have been relaxed and calm and remembered ……………RIGHT………….
Anyway I suppose we all have those moments……..Don’t we moms ……..moms………Hey I’m not feeling that UNITY thing we had going on in the beginning ……….. MOMS ????