Okay i have officially been TAGGED.........i am sooooo impressed.......now that i know what its about. So this is the rules:
1. Jot down on your site 8 - 10 facts or habits about you - interesting or
something nobody knew about you.
2. People who have been tagged need to write posts in their own blogs and
list the rules
3. At the end of the facts be sure to list your friends and family names AND
go to their blog and tell them they have been tagged.
4. DO NOT threaten to kill or savage anyone who does not want to
participate. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN.................
So we have started a blog reaction lets see how it goes.
My list of 10 things are as follows:
1. I do NOT brush my hair more than twice a week due to the FRIZZ
2. I have a phobia of smelling bad. I hyperventilate without a can of deo.
(Sorry ozone layer)
3. If i could afford to i would quit my job and join Green Peace to help
people become more aware of global warming (inconvenient truth –
movie) (does this make up for the whole deo thing?)
4. I have started (VERY VERY Slowly) to study to be a youth pastor.
5. I miss smoking after dinner (smoke free for 1 year 4 months)
6. Secretly i want to be funny (stand up comedian funny) as i am actually
very serious
7. I always check my soap for pubic hairs which gross me out (you would
be surprised how many people do NOT do this before showering)
8. My secret at 31 for being wrinkle free is ........... no not Oil of Olay ...........
being a "CURVY" woman (is a nice way to put it ) anyway its a lot
cheaper in the long run.
9. I am a CSI addict..................there i said it................I FEEL SO FREEEEEEE
10. I really find it hard to read a book without pictures ( I know its terrible)
Okay so that’s me and since i am really still quite a newbie at this i can only tag 2 people:
1. Brigitte (if your feeling down go check out this blog - listed on mine) She is a GODLY
inspiration for all.
2. G-Man- he has not written in so long and he is really very talented writer i
am hoping by tagging him it will motivate him to write again.
So that’s it for now i am working on some more "catch up stories" so be sure to pop in every now and then.
Dance of the Fantasia Hippos

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
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Thanks for the tag. I will do it when I get a chance. And thank you for your encouraging words, it means alot to me.
God Bless You Richly!!
nice to see you back! so how's your zoo been... or is that what you're writing about?
i can honestly say- you have never smelled bad when i was near you... but my nose doesn't work either! LOL!!!
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