Its been a while since my last post. I really sometimes am overwhelmed with ideas of what to write and when i sit down .... well they just disappear.
I must say i have had a challenging month this last month, as i am sure most of you reading this have had.
i very much wanted to share with you the story of my BIG FAT TANTRUM. Its actually quit awesome.
It started with my son's father (i shall refer to him as the sperm donor) Anyway we got into a little tiff on the phone and i don't know why (perhaps my blood felt Italian) but i threw my poor little cell and it was met half way by a very hard wall.
Yes ..... i threw a BIG FAT Tantrum. And for that brief second (believe me that is all I got - a second) i felt on top of the world - conqueror - the NUMBER 1 - the winner of something - who cared - i had done it i had gone where many have gone before me and i for that brief second smiled.........it was great... but as i always say..... every action has a reaction as my phone was about to tell me.
I felt quit sill actually since i had nothing to gain. I mean not even the sperm donor was there to appreciate the anger that was.
So to make matters worse all my numbers were GONE.......... it is a terrible thing when your life is stored on your CELL. It is a very common thing i think, often i have said "Cindy you have got to save these numbers somewhere the old fashioned way" BUT NO.... don't listen to the little voices .........
Anyway lesson well learned.
I now patiently wait for people to sms me and i quickly save there numbers, and pretend i never lost them......
However back to the tantrum..... so now i was desperate as some people get when they loose something of value like - their house - a dog.......so i tried the first spare cell in my cupboard... and it would just not work........ Ag ..... what a mission. so i tried another and another and started borrowing peoples phones left right and centre just to get my numbers...... BUT NO......it was a punishment that came from a higher place.
So now having had a really exhausting week, i decide that i will survive..... NOT...
It just happens that my little beetle decided to ... yes .. break down.... i was late to collect my kids.... my child had a dentist appointment and YES i had no cell.
Now no one would stop to help me.... push my car... no .... i mean people passing probably told their kids.... Lock your doors children .... woman crying on side of road pushing her own car... is all to suspect.... they are probably pretend tears... no no dear you can use an onion to make you cry...... " WHATEVER...... i mean i was desperate... so i pushed my car onto someones lawn and decided to ask his permission to leave it there. SHAME he actually felt sorry for me and loaned me a phone to call my dad.
Then he came out rather concerned and asked if i wanted to come in.... NO THANK YOU but THANK YOU FOR YOUR PHONE....
about 20 minutes later his little wife came out and asked if i had a phone i told her my terrible story when she left i felt as if my punishment was over... she returned shortly with a little old nokia (the kind you can drop) and said i was more than welcome to have this phone as she felt i needed it more.......... I CRIED all over again.... and guess what yip .... my sim card worked in it.... i still lost all my numbers but how awesome was that....
When i turned on the phone for the first time the message (obviously saved from this lady) said "Met die Hulp van God kan ek" "With the help of God i CAN"
Anyway i have learnt a hard lesson and do not pretend anymore i am Italian... or Greek.... but just plain old south African......... white married and obviously very dodgy looking (but i am okay with that.)
I must say i have had a challenging month this last month, as i am sure most of you reading this have had.
i very much wanted to share with you the story of my BIG FAT TANTRUM. Its actually quit awesome.
It started with my son's father (i shall refer to him as the sperm donor) Anyway we got into a little tiff on the phone and i don't know why (perhaps my blood felt Italian) but i threw my poor little cell and it was met half way by a very hard wall.
Yes ..... i threw a BIG FAT Tantrum. And for that brief second (believe me that is all I got - a second) i felt on top of the world - conqueror - the NUMBER 1 - the winner of something - who cared - i had done it i had gone where many have gone before me and i for that brief second smiled.........it was great... but as i always say..... every action has a reaction as my phone was about to tell me.
I felt quit sill actually since i had nothing to gain. I mean not even the sperm donor was there to appreciate the anger that was.
So to make matters worse all my numbers were GONE.......... it is a terrible thing when your life is stored on your CELL. It is a very common thing i think, often i have said "Cindy you have got to save these numbers somewhere the old fashioned way" BUT NO.... don't listen to the little voices .........
Anyway lesson well learned.
I now patiently wait for people to sms me and i quickly save there numbers, and pretend i never lost them......
However back to the tantrum..... so now i was desperate as some people get when they loose something of value like - their house - a dog.......so i tried the first spare cell in my cupboard... and it would just not work........ Ag ..... what a mission. so i tried another and another and started borrowing peoples phones left right and centre just to get my numbers...... BUT NO......it was a punishment that came from a higher place.
So now having had a really exhausting week, i decide that i will survive..... NOT...
It just happens that my little beetle decided to ... yes .. break down.... i was late to collect my kids.... my child had a dentist appointment and YES i had no cell.
Now no one would stop to help me.... push my car... no .... i mean people passing probably told their kids.... Lock your doors children .... woman crying on side of road pushing her own car... is all to suspect.... they are probably pretend tears... no no dear you can use an onion to make you cry...... " WHATEVER...... i mean i was desperate... so i pushed my car onto someones lawn and decided to ask his permission to leave it there. SHAME he actually felt sorry for me and loaned me a phone to call my dad.
Then he came out rather concerned and asked if i wanted to come in.... NO THANK YOU but THANK YOU FOR YOUR PHONE....
about 20 minutes later his little wife came out and asked if i had a phone i told her my terrible story when she left i felt as if my punishment was over... she returned shortly with a little old nokia (the kind you can drop) and said i was more than welcome to have this phone as she felt i needed it more.......... I CRIED all over again.... and guess what yip .... my sim card worked in it.... i still lost all my numbers but how awesome was that....
When i turned on the phone for the first time the message (obviously saved from this lady) said "Met die Hulp van God kan ek" "With the help of God i CAN"
Anyway i have learnt a hard lesson and do not pretend anymore i am Italian... or Greek.... but just plain old south African......... white married and obviously very dodgy looking (but i am okay with that.)
oh ydnic... what an ordeal!!!
and what a message to get- wrapped in a blessing!!!
ooh ooh- i got something for you over at my place!!!
Wel, this is just an amazing story!! God really does work in the most wonderful ways!! "With God I can" - that's my little mantra in the gym. LOL
hallo my friend, it is me Annie, yip, what a story, what can i say, never a dull moment in Cindy's day, love u tons
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