Dance of the Fantasia Hippos

Saturday, August 25, 2007
And there is not a lot of that going around………..
I sometimes get lost in my life and there is no time for me………… yes I can feel a sense of UNITY when I say ME TIME and all the moms are nodding there heads as they read this…… we know that there is NO such thing as ME TIME…….. Its really a word that is not too familiar to me as is diet or exercise or even the F word…….. yes the BIG F… FUN……………..
So myth has it that there was once a thing called me time and it happened before 9 in the evening, the myth continues to say that many would consider a glass of wine the norm……… sitting back and God forbid putting there legs up and ordering take outs (other than Mc Donalds), bubble baths with candles and soft music is how it was done. Not like the “bath in the same water” syndrome that some of us suffer with and pray the last one did not pee in the bath.
Reading your fav mag and getting to the quiz only to find it’s already been answered by your teen in pen or all the posters have been removed but no one knows where those mysteriously disappeared too! My kids walls are looking great though.
My me time is reading a story to my kids and as I get into it feel my self dozing off and I can feel my words are slurring and hearing sounds in the distance which resemble voices but I am so far off now it does not matter……… MOMMY your falling asleep M - O - M -M -Y……… so as you can hear I grab my me time where I can….and its really sad when me time means sleep……..
Now recently I had a desire to watch a movie – the movie was called 3. A friend of mine had told me about it…… and I was soooo excited to see it – I had seen it on the shelf and knew exactly what she was referring too. So I went down to our local store and they did not stock this particular movie…. I was so disappointed I was going to sit back relax and watch this movie. Anyway I went to another shop……… nothing …….. I finally tracked it down to a little store close to my moms place but it was out…….. due to come back that day……… so I booked it…….. I was thrilled…… I waited for them to call and waited and waited ……..nothing I eventually went back to the store……. Sorry the lady returning the dvd her tire burst………. IS THIS FOR REAL.????? I sometimes think God has a great sense of humor……. So I could only get it the following day…….. finally I got my hands on the movie…….. but I was going to do this correctly so I did not race home to watch it……..NO NO NO I waited till all little munchkins were in bed and lunch was made for school and I was sipping that wine……. FINALLY my long awaited relax me time…….. I think the movie was on for about 2 minutes when I realized I had seen it……………………………………………………………………..OH MY WORD………………………….. NO COMMENT at this time……………………………………………………………………shit……………………………………………………………………………………… noooooooooooooooooo……..
So now the importance of me time is more clear because if I had more me time I would have not wasted R20 flippen bucks on a movie I had already seen………no I would have been relaxed and calm and remembered ……………RIGHT………….
Anyway I suppose we all have those moments……..Don’t we moms ……..moms………Hey I’m not feeling that UNITY thing we had going on in the beginning ……….. MOMS ????
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I must say i have had a challenging month this last month, as i am sure most of you reading this have had.
i very much wanted to share with you the story of my BIG FAT TANTRUM. Its actually quit awesome.
It started with my son's father (i shall refer to him as the sperm donor) Anyway we got into a little tiff on the phone and i don't know why (perhaps my blood felt Italian) but i threw my poor little cell and it was met half way by a very hard wall.
Yes ..... i threw a BIG FAT Tantrum. And for that brief second (believe me that is all I got - a second) i felt on top of the world - conqueror - the NUMBER 1 - the winner of something - who cared - i had done it i had gone where many have gone before me and i for that brief second was great... but as i always say..... every action has a reaction as my phone was about to tell me.
I felt quit sill actually since i had nothing to gain. I mean not even the sperm donor was there to appreciate the anger that was.
So to make matters worse all my numbers were GONE.......... it is a terrible thing when your life is stored on your CELL. It is a very common thing i think, often i have said "Cindy you have got to save these numbers somewhere the old fashioned way" BUT NO.... don't listen to the little voices .........
Anyway lesson well learned.
I now patiently wait for people to sms me and i quickly save there numbers, and pretend i never lost them......
However back to the tantrum..... so now i was desperate as some people get when they loose something of value like - their house - a i tried the first spare cell in my cupboard... and it would just not work........ Ag ..... what a mission. so i tried another and another and started borrowing peoples phones left right and centre just to get my numbers...... BUT was a punishment that came from a higher place.
So now having had a really exhausting week, i decide that i will survive..... NOT...
It just happens that my little beetle decided to ... yes .. break down.... i was late to collect my kids.... my child had a dentist appointment and YES i had no cell.
Now no one would stop to help me.... push my car... no .... i mean people passing probably told their kids.... Lock your doors children .... woman crying on side of road pushing her own car... is all to suspect.... they are probably pretend tears... no no dear you can use an onion to make you cry...... " WHATEVER...... i mean i was desperate... so i pushed my car onto someones lawn and decided to ask his permission to leave it there. SHAME he actually felt sorry for me and loaned me a phone to call my dad.
Then he came out rather concerned and asked if i wanted to come in.... NO THANK YOU but THANK YOU FOR YOUR PHONE....
about 20 minutes later his little wife came out and asked if i had a phone i told her my terrible story when she left i felt as if my punishment was over... she returned shortly with a little old nokia (the kind you can drop) and said i was more than welcome to have this phone as she felt i needed it more.......... I CRIED all over again.... and guess what yip .... my sim card worked in it.... i still lost all my numbers but how awesome was that....
When i turned on the phone for the first time the message (obviously saved from this lady) said "Met die Hulp van God kan ek" "With the help of God i CAN"
Anyway i have learnt a hard lesson and do not pretend anymore i am Italian... or Greek.... but just plain old south African......... white married and obviously very dodgy looking (but i am okay with that.)
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Okay i have officially been TAGGED.........i am sooooo that i know what its about. So this is the rules:
1. Jot down on your site 8 - 10 facts or habits about you - interesting or
something nobody knew about you.
2. People who have been tagged need to write posts in their own blogs and
list the rules
3. At the end of the facts be sure to list your friends and family names AND
go to their blog and tell them they have been tagged.
4. DO NOT threaten to kill or savage anyone who does not want to
participate. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN.................
So we have started a blog reaction lets see how it goes.
My list of 10 things are as follows:
1. I do NOT brush my hair more than twice a week due to the FRIZZ
2. I have a phobia of smelling bad. I hyperventilate without a can of deo.
(Sorry ozone layer)
3. If i could afford to i would quit my job and join Green Peace to help
people become more aware of global warming (inconvenient truth –
movie) (does this make up for the whole deo thing?)
4. I have started (VERY VERY Slowly) to study to be a youth pastor.
5. I miss smoking after dinner (smoke free for 1 year 4 months)
6. Secretly i want to be funny (stand up comedian funny) as i am actually
very serious
7. I always check my soap for pubic hairs which gross me out (you would
be surprised how many people do NOT do this before showering)
8. My secret at 31 for being wrinkle free is ........... no not Oil of Olay ...........
being a "CURVY" woman (is a nice way to put it ) anyway its a lot
cheaper in the long run.
9. I am a CSI addict..................there i said it................I FEEL SO FREEEEEEE
10. I really find it hard to read a book without pictures ( I know its terrible)
Okay so that’s me and since i am really still quite a newbie at this i can only tag 2 people:
1. Brigitte (if your feeling down go check out this blog - listed on mine) She is a GODLY
inspiration for all.
2. G-Man- he has not written in so long and he is really very talented writer i
am hoping by tagging him it will motivate him to write again.
So that’s it for now i am working on some more "catch up stories" so be sure to pop in every now and then.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
So my latest challenge …………… get ready cause here it comes. So as you all know my involvement with youth has been a while now, but God has challenged me with my own children just so I can be a little more humble and understanding to others. Don’t get me wrong I fight with the Lord and ask him why this happens but the same answer comes back, I won’t give you something you won’t handle.
Now that funny cause I really did not think I could handle this and threw a little tantrum with him but that did not really help. But today I am feeling better.
So here it is my daughter was recently diagnosed with ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) and borderline personality disorder. Now up until last week I had no idea what this was. I really thought difficult teens were all the same as my child but unfortunately they are not. ODD and BPD both come with some nasty side affects. I really would like imput from any moms or dads out there who have kids with these disorders to hear what they have done.
So to start from the beginning it started with lies. Lies boys and girls will get you into lots of trouble. But if you do it enough it could actually get your mom and dad to turn around and do something about it. Now apparently ODD can be genetic as I was told and since Carla is adopted we are not too sure.
I received a strange call from the principle of the school last week telling me my child was telling some horrific lies at school. But for my child she lives her lies. ODD is when there problem starts affecting their daily function, as my child really believes she saw a dead body in a “imaginary” friends house and that’s why she missed school. She also started cutting herself (which by the way is a taught thing) She would have had to see someone do it before she did it.
She smokes (and according to the therapist my hands are tied) I told her my rules are: I will not buy it, pay for it or want to smell it or see her smoke near me, her answer was: “Well where can I smoke then?” I quite over a year ago for my kids (funny is it not how life is) she swears like a sailor and is dating a 16 year old boy behind our backs. She is manipulative and will make you believe things you never thought possible. She has what they call Blunt emotions so don’t be fooled by any tears She feels nothing really no guilt no shame. Best scenario she gets therapy and controls her compulsive lying and everything else worst scenario she goes to girl’s town.
I am broken……………
This is my baby I have raised her since she was 5 and now when I stand in front of her she is a grown woman at 12. Who still makes 12 year old decisions. And needs her mom. I love her though and will do anything to help her even if it means girls town.
But I see light……………….dim but its there. It WILL bring us closer whatever it takes.
So for those who have some advice I would love to hear from you. For those who pray that would be awesome. And for those who are going through the same thing drop us a line I would love to chat.
Hi all it’s been so long that I feel I have let some of my friends down. So much has happened that one really does not know where to start, so I have decided to leave out all my past and just catch up on the latest stuff.
I recently had the pleasure of dining with two friends one very close friend and the other one I saw last in std 5 (Grd 7) and just catching up on what happened in the last 19 years shew I did sound a little like a real wild child.
However the impression that was left of me with this friend was one of total rebellion YES I jolled (partied) as did most of us. I also fell pregnant before I was married. I did drugs I drank it was all so high and the moment thing. And my life to my friends was wild but never an exciting moment.
However there is always another side to people. I had my fair share of problems and crazy moments. But that is not who I am now. Yes I can still have fun but I have changed. This old friend of mine made a statement that she would never leave her teens with me ever. How sad that she did not know that actually I have been involved with the youth ministry for almost 10 years now. And have recently started studying for my degree in youth pastor. My life is challenged daily but with such a powerful God I overcome each thing with his strength.
Now having been that crazy person before has helped me to be able to council and witness to many young teens who are desperate to be understood.
Its great how I can sit now and without shame tell you how awesome God has been in my life, I realise I just lost half my bloggers but I really don’t mind. Those who need to hear will, my life story is fascinating if you know where I have been and where God has carried me. I will share with you all as I am ready.
My latest victory in Christ was one of my bestest friends came to visit from the UK. I have known Lesley since I was seven years old, I think that pretty much sums that up anyway her family is mine and recently her father fell very ill after struggling with a long term illness. It was a honour when she allowed me to pray and witness to him. Now by the time I saw her father he could no longer speak but managed to say Thank You. WOW he heard and I knew it would be okay. When he went I knew it was to a better place.
So to all of you out there. If you bump into a long lost friend, be careful who you are judging things are not always what they seem.