Age had never bothered me i always felt that perhapes growing old gracefully is the way to approach getting older - however on that note i would like to say that i fight the grey hairs - i might be graceful with some things but some things are worth fighting for.
I recently saw some friends including an old flame on (Face book) however my story continues and sitting with the oppertunity to click "friend me or not" i find myself thinking this man ( who still looks the same as he did 10 years ago) is going to say HEY its Cinds hey all my friends that knew her(10 years ago and have the photos of before her body was destorted to unbelievable widths due to babies) go check her profile and photos out...........mmmmmmmmm got me thinking i might not be as graceful as i would like to be.
I must admit being on the larger side does bother some woman - and believe you me as content as i feel right now i have my moments of OH MY WORD what has happened to me and WHY IS MY BUM Smacking my CALVES ...........so in a moment of ungracefulness i normally go have a random thyroid test just to make sure. However I happen to be a VERY healthy obese woman - who likes food and detests exercise ...... i find that totally normal in todays world (or so i keep telling myself)
The fact now is that growing old means - when i forget my childs name its not due to pregnancy and find its harder to find excuses - UM sorry little boy please go call the other child in the house.
However the advantage is sitting with your mom watching a movie for the 3rd time and not really remembering till the credits come out.............. OH MY what fun
People who don't Think probably don't have Brains; rather, they have gray fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake.
Winnie the Pooh
Pooh's Little Instruction Book
yes that would explain a lot.
I must just say i love being older i love being large and wrinkle free, i love the freedom of choice to cook brussel sprouts or not. I love the fact that shopping for a swiming costume ends up putting a smile on my face......... in more ways than one........... so i feel i am growing old gracefully and every now and then I do it as ungracefully as possible and I AM STRONGER for that.......... i think so........So my day ended on the note that today i am NOT GRACEFULL and i did not press the "be my friend" BUT tomorrow i will be stonger and graceful again and i might just push the button..