Now shopping for myself is not always the best experience BUT shopping for my kids is nightmarish. I recently had to shop for uniform and civies for summer.
Yes sounds like that can emanate from ones body, this I have first hand experience with.
So where do I begin. Aaahhh yes the uniform….. my daughter is actually really mad at me. A dress for her is R250 yes I will say that LOUD again R250 for ONE dress. I was sure that they imported it from a town in Alaska. But NO that’s just plain cotton dresses with a yellow and white print on it. So I got her a dress one size bigger so instead of a 12 I gave her a 13 So the dress hangs by her knees compared to her old one that was covering her butt. (JUST) anyway my mum dressed me like that its economical to get clothes that will last 2 years and although you might feel scarred by what your mum made you wear, it only lasts till something bigger scars you.
Anyway after that I needed a whole nights sleep to recover.
The following day I braved the next load of shopping. SALE…. I do however love this word……….. it means more clothes for more grey hair….. my son is easy………. Except that everything he chose was for winter….. so after ditching some of it I managed to grab some stuff off the shelf without him noticing. I felt like we were playing “Catch that mom” he puts in I pack back.
BUT CARLA…………oh Carla…………… Carla Carla Carla………………………. Yes the girl in the family……………….. the “I am going to be a moddler” (as she calls it) took about 5 years to carefully pick out what she needed to try on making sure everything matched including the undies. MOM on the other hand was “pulling out” and “checking what’s too short” “what’s just right” and throwing it in and out of the basket. It was rather exhausting actually. I was so hot and bothered at one stage that without thinking (okay sometimes that’s a gift) BUT I put everything down (why I don’t know) my bag of shopping from the previous shop………my cellphone……….. and my mind……. And just started looking at clothes…… all of a sudden I heard a loud voice bellowing “SOMEBODIES CELL PHONE” hey that looks like mine….. oh dear…. My guardian angel are working over time again.
Lets get this finished already…………….
Now the only time I feel my child can bear all skin is in her cosie. This I have no problem with. So off to the children’s bikini department. So my 11 year old can try one on. It just happens that while I was sleeping (this is when things normally happen) she outgrew kiddies and is now buying in the ladies department. OH ME GOSH………….
Okay deep breaths ……… yes we found one eventually. I was a nervous wreck, Seth was still packing things in the basket and Carla was saying “Wow mom, I have never had a costume that covers my whole bum” – Poor child………………. By the time we finished I actually felt relieved…..yes yes and a little sorry for myself. So that was it. No not really Carla has a tradition that when we get home…………..no matter……….how………..tiered……….you………..are…………she WILL weather you like it or not……………………..put on her very own fashion show………….. with everything in her packet and what it can or could go with in her cupboard………………
So my advice to moms out there…………… When shopping … leave the kids at home and just estimate sizes……………
Dance of the Fantasia Hippos

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Cindy VS PLAYTEX and other silly “look good shops”
I recently had to go shopping for a friend who had her “kitchen tea” and something sexy was on the list. So I entered the factory shop. OOOOOOooooo. Sounds fab ….. anyway on my arrival I was looked up and down by the young rather slim looking sales lady.
Her face said “You ARE lost” nope I am not…….. so I proceeded to look not really seeing anything in a 16 soooooo I did what few men do (or so they say) I asked.
Well I never…… she took one look at me and said we don’t HAVE 16, so I promptly said its not for me. Is there something else in a 16. NO…. So by now I was getting a little irritated as I often do having to ask pointless questions and getting even more pointless answers. I asked her do they have anything for large woman like me. (getting fed up) NO. SO WHERE DO I GO??? And why bother calling yourself a factory shop if you have nothing in it. And on that note I LEFT.
So my question is….. Why in South Africa do large woman have to look ugly. And if by chance they want something pretty in their size it costs an arm, leg and a boob. YIP.
I recently decided to go shop for myself. Rare but it happens when mum decides to spoil me (cause they can even at our age) well if I did not feel thirty I defiantly felt 50 after that.
WHAT were the designers thinking??????? Do they not consult with young fat woman??? I mean imagine being a larger girl in school. AG SHAME is all I can say.
Oh Please S.A wake up.!!!
Some more developed woman like looking young and pretty. I myself would like to grow old gracefully but wearing stripes and dots well its disturbs my inner soul.
I am sure that some you out there experience the same thing. I wish that sometimes people would realize that for some being large is already bad enough why do they try make us stand out too? And of course lets not forget the sexy underwear. I mean if you are large Sex with your hubby should be done in the dark. No wonder our young girls have issues.
I sometimes watch the large black African girls walking with their tight tops, double J bras, tight jeans and high heel shoes all of which are at least 10 times too small. BUT some of them actually look good.
So if any blogger out there is a fashion designer for WELL developed ladies………. PLEASE get the industry to wake up for our sake.
So the solution is ……… well there is none I suppose either the fashion houses must change or I must diet…. And you know what I say about that DIET SHIET……….mmm I don’t get these woman: “sniff sniff my child said I was large so I lost 40kgs” well my son called me a Samurai wrestler and I did not loose my appetite! Heck no I will diet when I have time (that will probably be when I am on retirement- my grandkids can look forward to a sexy granny).
Ever since I did pole dancing I think that all large woman can be sexy with or without their clothes and that’s the way God made me, thank you very much you donta lika ita well taka hika.
My friend and I were discussing how one never really minds not seeing your old friends from school. Now I am not talking about your blood sisters. I am talking about the people you were acquainted with. I mean I don’t really have any great desire to even pass them in the street. I recently go a email from a friend that I met in Isreal and he and I have emailed each other for about 09 years now. He is my age more or less, anyway I had to laugh because I send him photos of the kids and he says he too has grown up and sends me a photo of himself dangling over a yacht with some exotic background. Oh gee I missed that part of growing up. But I must say I love seeing pics of my friends overseas it helps me escape for a little bit AND gives me some hope.
Anyway my head is empty now and starting to fill up with the next topic so I had better move on.
I recently had to go shopping for a friend who had her “kitchen tea” and something sexy was on the list. So I entered the factory shop. OOOOOOooooo. Sounds fab ….. anyway on my arrival I was looked up and down by the young rather slim looking sales lady.
Her face said “You ARE lost” nope I am not…….. so I proceeded to look not really seeing anything in a 16 soooooo I did what few men do (or so they say) I asked.
Well I never…… she took one look at me and said we don’t HAVE 16, so I promptly said its not for me. Is there something else in a 16. NO…. So by now I was getting a little irritated as I often do having to ask pointless questions and getting even more pointless answers. I asked her do they have anything for large woman like me. (getting fed up) NO. SO WHERE DO I GO??? And why bother calling yourself a factory shop if you have nothing in it. And on that note I LEFT.
So my question is….. Why in South Africa do large woman have to look ugly. And if by chance they want something pretty in their size it costs an arm, leg and a boob. YIP.
I recently decided to go shop for myself. Rare but it happens when mum decides to spoil me (cause they can even at our age) well if I did not feel thirty I defiantly felt 50 after that.
WHAT were the designers thinking??????? Do they not consult with young fat woman??? I mean imagine being a larger girl in school. AG SHAME is all I can say.
Oh Please S.A wake up.!!!
Some more developed woman like looking young and pretty. I myself would like to grow old gracefully but wearing stripes and dots well its disturbs my inner soul.
I am sure that some you out there experience the same thing. I wish that sometimes people would realize that for some being large is already bad enough why do they try make us stand out too? And of course lets not forget the sexy underwear. I mean if you are large Sex with your hubby should be done in the dark. No wonder our young girls have issues.
I sometimes watch the large black African girls walking with their tight tops, double J bras, tight jeans and high heel shoes all of which are at least 10 times too small. BUT some of them actually look good.
So if any blogger out there is a fashion designer for WELL developed ladies………. PLEASE get the industry to wake up for our sake.
So the solution is ……… well there is none I suppose either the fashion houses must change or I must diet…. And you know what I say about that DIET SHIET……….mmm I don’t get these woman: “sniff sniff my child said I was large so I lost 40kgs” well my son called me a Samurai wrestler and I did not loose my appetite! Heck no I will diet when I have time (that will probably be when I am on retirement- my grandkids can look forward to a sexy granny).
Ever since I did pole dancing I think that all large woman can be sexy with or without their clothes and that’s the way God made me, thank you very much you donta lika ita well taka hika.
My friend and I were discussing how one never really minds not seeing your old friends from school. Now I am not talking about your blood sisters. I am talking about the people you were acquainted with. I mean I don’t really have any great desire to even pass them in the street. I recently go a email from a friend that I met in Isreal and he and I have emailed each other for about 09 years now. He is my age more or less, anyway I had to laugh because I send him photos of the kids and he says he too has grown up and sends me a photo of himself dangling over a yacht with some exotic background. Oh gee I missed that part of growing up. But I must say I love seeing pics of my friends overseas it helps me escape for a little bit AND gives me some hope.
Anyway my head is empty now and starting to fill up with the next topic so I had better move on.
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